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Nowadays, lots of people own an iphone. However, many of them just aren't aware how to effectively make use of it. If you don't get full use of your device, you aren't alone. Keep reading to discover more about your phone, and to find some tips that should make it a lot more fun to use.

To make browsing the web on your iphone a little easier, get a bigger keyboard! You can get this added value without purchasing an expensive accessory! You can have use of a bigger keyboard by simply rotating your iphone and going to the address bar in Safari and tapping it. Now your keyboard is larger and you will be able to type more efficiently.

It is not necessary to close out an autocorrect suggestion by pushing the "X." All you need to do is press the screen, anywhere. This method gets rid of the suggestion box while saving you much needed time.

Increasing the speed of your messaging is another trick to the iphone. You don't have to use a word that the dictionary suggests; you can just tap on the screen in any location in order to dismiss it. You don't have to tap the "x" that shows up after words.


You can easily access your email accounts and messages by tagging them. This will allow you to receive a notification when an email message is received and allows you to instantly view the message from your phone. You can tag email from one account or more than one account so that you receive notifications on your iphone that you've received email.

The next time you visit a website on your iphone, you should test using either one or two fingers to scroll. If the site is separated into different boxes, one finger scrolling helps you go through each box. On the other hand, two fingers will cause you to scroll mobile phone insurance down the page itself.

If you are going to email someone or send them a note, there are suggested words that make this process easy. If you do not want to use this feature, it is simple to close it. You can actually tap your finger anywhere within the screen to dismiss the box.

Always ensure that you are keeping your iPhone's OS up to date. Updates correct security and functionality issues as well as correct any issues associated with your iphone. Updating is crucial especially if personal information is used or accessed if you go online with your phone.

Set the keyboard clicks option to ON inside the setting options to give your typing an audible sound as you type. Doing this will minimize your mistakes.

Although an iphone can be pricey, it's worth it, seeing as it can do pretty much anything a computer can do. If you're an iphone owner, you're probably well aware of how useful your phone can be. Hopefully after reading this article, you will be able to utilize all of its features and use it more efficiently.